Sunday, March 30, 2008

We survived Las Vegas..... barely.

First off, sorry for the delay in posting, but as a lot of you know, when you leave your "day job" for some fun, you always return to a lot more work than when you left.

Sooooo anyway.... we had a blast! We came back with a lot more ideas and some new and exciting products we'll be sharing with you soon. We got to meet a lot of interesting people and even saw some old friends. Overall, the show was great. It took us a good 2 days to make it thru the entire show and we are glad we took the time.

As mentioned in the last post, we ate at some great buffets, experienced the fantastic nightlife and even got in some gambling. Wendy was the Queen of penny slots. Ask her about it next time you see her (she loves to brag about her "good luck").

I've gone ahead and posted some pictures of the trip, so take a gander and enjoy. April is around the corner, so check back often for the Studio E Surprise of the month.

Wendy with her idol... Vicki Taufer

Partying with the locals!! It was good to see Alisha and Mindy!

Rockstars! Well, at least we are trying to be...

Headed home.... crossing the dam.... after 30 minutes of traffic...
The fastest we were allowed to go by law during traffic!
Wendy got this great idea to try out our new lens! I think it was just her way of saying I need to trim some of my facial hair....
Self portrait!
Even our guardian angel couldn't save us from the traffic and boredom!
Finally over the dam. This is always a pretty site.

I see these signs everytime we go, but never see the actual animal. One of these days...

We ride off into the sunset!!!

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